Is excruciating tooth pain draining your energy and making you miserable? It’s crucial to seek emergency dental care as soon as possible. Unexpected dental issues can occur at any time. Please consider saving the contact of a reliable Calgary emergency dentist near you.
Ignoring a serious dental emergency or postponing treatment can result in life-threatening circumstances.
Ignoring a serious dental emergency or postponing treatment can result in life-threatening circumstances. During an emergency appointment, our goal is to get you comfortable and out of pain. This could involve a prescription of pain medication or an antibiotic to control infection. A full treatment plan may or may not be done at this appointment, depending on diagnosis and treatment plan, which is decided between you and the dentist at Sunridge Dental Clinic in Calgary, AB.
163 Sunridge Mall, 2525-36 St, NE, Calgary, AB T1Y 5T4
Phone: 587-816-2923
FAX: 403-293-2701
After Hours Emergency Line for Current Patients: 587-433-3232
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