Oral cancer is more treatable when detected during the early stages, which is why you should get regular oral cancer screenings done. Many patients may be unaware that a dental screening is one of the first lines of defence against oral cancer.
When you book an appointment for an oral cancer screening, it means you’re getting screened for symptoms. Oral cancer screening doesn’t imply that you have oral cancer.
Mouth cancer develops on any parts inside the oral cavity like lips, tongue, roof and floor of the mouth, gums and inner lining of the cheeks. The problem is that oral cancer can stay hidden for weeks and months without showing up as discomfort or pain. Physical symptoms start to develop as cancer rapidly progresses.
Our dentists will carefully examine you for symptoms of oral cancer in Calgary, AB. Oral cancer screening takes about 10 minutes and is usually included as part of the routine dental exam. We use both manual exams and advanced technology to detect abnormalities.
While oral cancer can affect any individual, certain groups may be at greater risk:
Please feel free to share your concerns or doubts with our dentists.
Oral cancer may be indicated by the presence of one or more of the following symptoms:
Our trained dentists in Calgary, AB examine your face and feels under the neck and jaws for lumps or hard, raised patches of tissue. If we suspect any unusual changes in your mouth tissues, we may suggest a biopsy and microscopic analysis by a qualified lab. There may be other non-cancerous lesions in your mouth from oral warts to autoimmune lesions. Dentists at Sunridge Dental Clinic will use their oral pathology knowledge and evaluate any abnormalities and determine if they should monitor it or remove it. Oral cancer can afflict anyone although tobacco users put themselves at a higher risk. At Sunridge Dental Clinic we have a program to help support you if you’re determined to quit using tobacco. If you’re considering getting an oral cancer screening near you, please contact Sunridge Dental Clinic for an appointment today.
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