Regular scheduled dental appointments are necessary throughout our adult lives to prevent gum disease and tooth decay. Waiting until it hurts is usually too late, pain usually indicated advanced decay leading to root canals, extractions, or advanced gum/bone loss. Bacteria in our mouth use carbohydrates (sugar) from our food to make energy, by making this energy, they produce waste in the form of acid. This acid attacks hard surfaces on teeth and cause cavities. This toxic waste can also cause bleeding gums and bone destruction around the tooth, this is called periodontal disease. Periodontal disease is the main cause of tooth loss and needing dentures, bridges, or implants. These bacteria in your mouth can enter the bloodstream through inflamed, bleeding gums and be carried to the heart and brain. Here they can damage the lining of the small blood vessels, leading to blockage of the vessels, heart attack, or stroke can result from bleeding gums.
163 Sunridge Mall, 2525-36 St, NE, Calgary, AB T1Y 5T4
Phone: 587-816-2923
FAX: 403-293-2701
After Hours Emergency Line for Current Patients: 587-433-3232
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