Whether your tooth was extracted using a simple or surgical procedure, it’s normal to experience minor side effects like bleeding, swelling, soreness, and pain around the extraction socket. Fortunately, these side effects are temporary and should disappear within a few days.
Like most people, you may wonder what to eat or do to promote faster healing and recovery after tooth extraction. This article highlights why you should avoid dairy after tooth extraction, recommended foods, and other tips to speed up your recovery.
Why you should avoid Dairy after Tooth Extraction
Thanks to their soft nature and nutritional value, many may be tempted to reach for dairy products like milk, yogurt, or smoothies after tooth extraction. While rich in essential nutrients like protein and calcium, dairy products can trigger an inflammation response around the extraction site, delaying healing.
Similarly, dairy products can trigger nausea and vomiting in some people, which can be undesirable after tooth extraction. Vomiting can also introduce acidity in the mouth, delaying your healing. Examples of dairy products to avoid include cheese, yogurt, and cow’s milk. Once you’ve healed, you can re-introduce dairy into your diet.
When to Resume Dairy Consumption
Dairy products such as milk and shakes should be avoided, especially for the first 25 hours after tooth extraction. However, follow your dentist’s instructions about re-introducing dairy to your diet.
Recommended Foods After Tooth Extraction
Since tooth extraction causes your mouth to be sore and sensitive, avoid any foods or beverages that can disturb or irritate the surgical site. It can cause excessive bleeding, inflammation, and pain. Consider a soft and warm diet after extraction. Good food options to include in your diet include:
- Cool soups. Soups made from easy-to-chew ingredients like vegetables contain essential nutrients that promote faster healing and recovery. They require minimal to no chewing and, thus, excellent food options after tooth extraction. Avoid bitter spices.
- Soft fruits or smoothies. Soft fruits like bananas are rich in nutrients and easy to chew, making them an excellent food choice after extraction. You can blend the fruits and make smoothies. Avoid using a straw as it can dislodge the blood clot, causing delayed healing and severe pain.
- Scrambled eggs. Eggs are rich in protein and are soft enough to eat when your mouth is sore.
- Mashed potatoes. Potatoes are excellent accompaniments for soups. Ensure you mash them to make them easy to eat. Also, ensure you eat them lukewarmly to avoid irritating the extraction socket.
- Ground meat. Ground or minced meat like chicken, beef, or lamb is nutritious and easy to eat if you recently had your tooth extracted.
- Oatmeal. Oats are rich in fiber and carbohydrates and require minimal chewing.
Foods to avoid include:
- Spicy and acidic foods and beverages like apple cider vinegar, lemons, lime, soda, and wine can irritate the extraction socket.
- Hard chewy, crunchy snacks: Avoid items that can disturb, hurt, or get stuck in the extraction site for several days after tooth extraction.
- Using a straw, spitting, or rinsing your mouth harshly after tooth extraction can dislodge the blood clot and cause complications. When eating, slice your food into tiny portions.
Other Tips to Speed Healing after Tooth Extraction
- Avoid strenuous activities like bending over and lifting as they can increase blood pressure in the head, worsening your symptoms.
- Keep your head elevated.
- Take medication as prescribed.
- Use a cold compress to ease pain and discomfort.
- Notify your dentist immediately if you experience severe pain, persistent swelling, worsening bleeding, fever, or other serious symptoms.
- Hydrate well.
- Avoid touching the socket with your finger or tongue.
- Brush and floss daily. Brush gently while avoiding the extraction site. You can rinse your mouth with salt water rinses after 24 hours. It helps wash away debris and prevent infections.
Are you interested in tooth extraction in Calgary?
For more information about tooth extractions and reasons for no dairy after tooth extraction, contact Sunridge Dental Clinic to schedule a consultation with our dentist in Northeast Calgary.