Common Causes of Teeth Stains and Discoloration: How Whitening Can Help

Common Causes of Teeth Stains and Discoloration: How Whitening Can Help

August 1, 2023

A flawless white smile can give a positive first impression and boost your self-worth and confidence. Unfortunately, your teeth can get stained or yellowed over time, leading to a less appealing and self-conscious smile.

Understanding the causes of teeth stains and how to remove and prevent them is essential for maintaining a bright, radiant smile. In this article, let’s explore the foods that cause teeth stains, the process of teeth discoloration, and your teeth whitening options.

Food and Drinks that Stain Teeth: Avoiding Common Culprits

Even while nutritious and healthy, some foods and beverages have a bad reputation regarding teeth stains. Knowing these food items can help minimize or prevent teeth staining. Below are foods and beverages to limit or avoid to prevent teeth staining:

  • Coffee and tea. While tea and coffee contain numerous nutrients, they also contain staining compounds like tannins, which can stain your enamel. Darker varieties of tea and coffee, like black tea and coffee, have higher staining potential than lighter varieties.
  • Soda and sports drinks. Soda can stain teeth in two ways. First, dark-colored sodas like cola contain high artificial coloring, which can be absorbed by your teeth’ enamel, leading to stains. Similarly, soda and sports drinks contain acidic ingredients which can erode your enamel, making your teeth more vulnerable to staining.
  • Wine. Dark wines like red wine contain highly pigmented compounds called chromogens, which can get absorbed by your teeth to cause stains. Additionally, the acidic nature of wine can weaken the enamel, making it susceptible to stains and discoloration.
  • Fruit juices. Dark-colored fruit juices from highly colored fruits like grapes, blueberries, and cranberry can leave staining ingredients on your teeth, causing staining or discoloration.
  • Tomato-based sauces. Nutrient-rich tomatoes contain a deep red pigment that makes them potentially staining.
  • Beetroot. While they are rich in vitamins and minerals, beetroots have a dark color that can stain your teeth, the same way it discolors your skin within minutes of handling it.
  • Dark sauces. Dark sauces like soy sauce contain colored pigments that cling to your teeth, causing staining.
  • Curry. Curry, particularly highly bright varieties with yellow or red colors, can leave residues on teeth, leading to stains.
  • Apple cider vinegar. While beneficial for overall well-being, apple cider vinegar is highly acidic. It can weaken your enamel significantly, making your teeth vulnerable to staining.

Since some of these items might be nutrient-rich and can’t be eliminated, taking them in moderation can help prevent potential staining. Similarly, you can brush or rinse your mouth with water after partaking them to reduce the risk of staining. For acidic items, wait for about 30 minutes before brushing.

Aging and Teeth Discoloration: Understanding the Natural Process

As you age, your teeth become more prone to staining and may lose their sparkle with time. Factors that can contribute to staining due to aging include:

  • Enamel Wear. Over time, your enamel can wear down, exposing more of the yellowish dentin layer underneath. It may give your teeth a discolored or yellowed appearance.
  • Accumulated stains. Many years of consuming dark-pigmented items can cause a buildup of stains, gradually darkening your teeth.
  • Dentin darkening. As the thinning enamel exposes the dentin, it darkens over time, giving the teeth a darker appearance.

While aging can contribute to teeth discoloration, proper oral hygiene, lifestyle, and dietary habits can minimize the risk of discoloration. Do you have teeth stains? Contact our dentist near me for teeth whitening.

Addressing Teeth Stains and Discoloration with Teeth whitening

Teeth whitening can effectively address teeth stains and discoloration, restoring your brighter, perfect smile. Popular teeth whitening options include:

  • In-office teeth whitening. In-office whitening is performed in the dental office. The treatment involves using highly concentrated bleaching agents and special lasers or lights to remove teeth stains. The treatment can lighten your smile up to eight shades lighter in a single appointment.
  • At-home professional whitening. If you can’t have your teeth whitened in the office, the dentist can create custom trays and whitening gel did use at home. You’ll fill the trays with the whitening gel and wear them for a specified duration every day for several weeks.
  • Over-the-counter and home-based whitening products. Alternatively, you can use over-the-counter like whitening toothpaste, mouthwash, strips, and trays for teeth whitening at home. Common home-based remedies for teeth whitening include baking soda, lemon juice, apple cider vinegar, and hydrogen peroxide.

Contact our dentist in Northeast Calgary, AB, to determine which whitening treatment is right for you.

Are you interested In Teeth Whitening in Calgary, AB?

Are you considering teeth whitening in Calgary, AB, for a whiter and brighter smile? Contact Sunridge Dental Clinic to schedule a consultation with our cosmetic dentist in NE Calgary.

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